So the last few nights I’ve been out in the garage working into the wee hours of night. It’s great because the kids and wife are sleeping and I can work uninterrupted. It took about three sessions of working but I’m 95% done with the EAA tables. I need to finish up the trip on one table, get wheels from Harbor Freight, and sand them a bit to clean them up. I am quite pleased with the outcome and getting excited. I got an email also that my Cleaveland tool kit will be here tomorrow! Looking forward to the first “shipment” concerning my RV-10 Build. Time to fill up the toolboxes now.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Workbench or Bust.....
So things from summer have finally settled down now that school is back in session. With my son being at school all day I find a little more time to get things done around the house. My three year old is quite a good helper as she just loves to help Daddy. We finally found a nice day out and we cleaned out the garage. A little bit or organization and some serious vacuuming was done over the afternoon and the garage was looking amazing.
Last week we took a "Daddy and Maddy" outing to Lowes. She was super excited to go shopping with Daddy and didn't care it was for me. We made our way around the lumber and hardware sections to locate everything we needed to build the EAA workbenches. We used the shopping list off of the online planes from EAA 1000's website.
After purchasing the wood and supplies I finally got some free time and began to construct the table. I broke out my chalk line and marked off the plywood and got to cutting. One recommendation to others, have Lowes or Home Depot rip the plywood in half for you. It is very difficult to cut across a 4 o 8 foot section of plywood without a little bit of drift.
Now that I have the first top done, I plan to finish up the second one and construct the rest of the table tonight. In other news, I've also placed my order from Cleaveland Tool for my RV-10 kit. I have to give them credit as the Rivet Gun was out of stock so I signed up for notifications for when it came back in stock. The next day, I received an email saying it was back in stock. I emailed Cleaveland and Annette almost instantly responded and said she could add it to the order and sent me the revised invoice. I have been super happy with her answering my silly questions and promptly helping with the updated order. I look forward to any future dealings with them based off the interactions so far. They really seem to be a stellar company to deal with.
Airventure 2024 Recap
So Airventure just passed and the annual pilgrimage to Osh Kosh has ended. They reported over 13,000 aircraft operations over the course o...
So I am back from Airventure 2022. It was an absolutely amazing trip and I got to see so much of it. My best friend Anthony came out with...
So things from summer have finally settled down now that school is back in session. With my son being at school all day I find a little mo...
Now that we have finally completed the rudder, we are onto the next section. This section, the Horizontal Stabilizer is much bigger than p...