Well after a long anticipated wait, the first kit arrived yesterday. I was a bit disappointed to be starting on the wings before the tail, but I am glad to at least have something to work on. I am waiting for one or two more parts for my Air Hose system. I opted to buy the Rapid Air Products RapidAir System. This was a good setup as it had 100 feet worth of hose and two outlets. It would allow me to setup a drop down reel, and remote reel by the garage, and keep my compressor in the back of my garage. I am trying to maximize the distance from the bedrooms to the compressor so I can hopefully work in the evening after my kids are asleep. Time will tell how that plan will work out, I might be limited to certain tasks only late in the evening. I am going to do another post about that system and my feelings on the setup for it.
The Truck Has Arrived. |