Saturday, August 28, 2021

So What Now?

 Prep work has begun and is going into overdrive.  I touched base with my local tech counselor who is also a past RV-10 builder.  He gave me some good suggestions to get started and I will start there.

I signed up for Synergy Air’s Fundamentals class this coming December.  This class will show me how to rivet, countersink, dimple, and other essential skills to do the majority of aluminum work on this build.  This is a good basis of knowledge to get started.  I plan to do a fiberglass and Electronics/avionics class down the road when those times come.

I’ve spoken to Cleaveland Aircraft Tool and will order the tool kit soon.  I am going to finish cleaning up the garage and get the workbench done before diving into that setup.  I don’t want to wait too long as the DRDT2 has been in and out of backorder.  That is essential to get started, so I don’t want to wait until the last minute. 

Time to finish cleaning and getting ready.  December will be here before I know it…….

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The Deed is Done!

 So Van's recently announced they will be changing the prices this coming weekend and modifying their shipping procedures to streamline things a bit better.  I have been procrastinating for awhile now but now I have no choice to get my butt into gear.  Why do you ask?

I just placed my kit order for the empennage and wing kits.  😱Queue the panic of this big adventure I am beginning to embark on.  I am definitely going to be a long term builder as I don't have 200k to drop at once.  My plan is to work on this and have it done just in time before I retire so we can fully enjoy retirement and explore the world in it.  I am definetely going to continue flying in the meantime and enjoy that, but I want to have a more capable machine for the fun adventures later.

Van's Aircraft Stock RV-10 Image


So now what needs to be done:

  • Order my RV-10 Tool kit from Cleaveland
  • Order my compressor and band saw from Harbor Freight or Lowes
  • Finish cleaning out my garage ASAP
  • Build my EAA Table(s) and prep for the tools
  • Investigate the Synergy Fundamentals class and find a date to go.  Maybe January or February?
  • Decide if I want to Prime or not.  I am leaning towards doing it.  I like the Stewart Systems stuff that I found via Charlie Derk's blog.  Its safe and non toxic which makes it easier with kids at home to use.
  • Order the DRDT2.  Cleaveland is currently not taking orders since the manufacturer is backed up.  Do I order one from Aircraft Spruce who has them in stock or wait and roll the dice.  I am leaning towards just getting it at the moment.

What are my thoughts so far?
  • Debating between P-Mags or doing a Fuel Injected system.  I like the idea of fuel injections and managing the mixture automatically, but it does add a lot of complexity to the build.
  • Garmin or AFS for avionics is my only two considerations.  I love the look of the Garmin stuff but it has a big price point.  The AFS systems are more affordable and have great options.  They also have a better system when it comes to easy of installing.  That might sway me but I have quite a few years to decide that.
  • I have essentially decided I want to do Zip Tips for my wings, an Aveo tail light, and probably something in the cowling.  The cowling light isn't a give in yet but I might decide that during the finishing process.
  • I really like the look of the Control Approach rudder pedals.  Its similar to what I have now on the Archer and looks much nice.
  • Aerosport Products Interior.  They have great stuff and it looks amazing.  I certainly plan to use them for my interior and console.
  • Plane Schemer and Evoke Aviation is the cream of the crop for paint and scheme design.  I probably will use them later when the time comes to design the color scheme and have paint done afterwards.
So has anyone done P-Mags or EFII?  What are your thoughts there?  Zip Tips, do they work well enough for mid lighting or would a cowl light be helpful? 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Instrument Rating Progress

Ever since I got my private pilot certificate, I have said I would get instrument rated.  Not only do I want more flexibility to fly and take adventures, I know it adds a significant safety factor for my family and I.  Being able to participate in the IFR system, fly in clouds, and also make it to destinations more easily is an added benefit.  I started training for my rating last summer and quickly knocked out my written exam.  We were progressing well over the winter when weather allowed, but April hit and the engine went out for overhaul.  We utilized the local redbird for some training to stay sharp while we waited for the plane to come back.  

We finally got the plane back last week and I was able to do my first IFR cross country to KGON.  My instructor was very happy with my performance as I did the entire flight without assistance.  We aim to hit a few more cross countries this month and next month and we should be done.  Just a little time building to wrap it up.  This is definitely one of many things needed to continue on this long term project.

Airventure 2024 Recap

 So Airventure just passed and the annual pilgrimage to Osh Kosh has ended.  They reported over 13,000 aircraft operations over the course o...