Inventory of Tail Kit
Well I have successfully completed the inventory of the tail kit. I luckily had no backordered parts so I can get going without any hiccups. After about 5 hours of tedious counting and sorting, the small hardware is sorted and boxed away. The skins and larger pieces are in the middle of the garage, I need to sort through them a bit more when I get a free minute. I would like to condense the wing and tail kit boxes together if I can to free up more floor space. I will probably do that after I get back from my visit to Osh Kosh for Airventure 2022!
Chapter 6: The Vertical Stabilizer Begins...
Now that inventory is completed, I pulled out the beginning parts and got started on section 6, the Vertical Stabilizer. The beginning has you do some cutting on the spar caps and lots of match drilling. I know the kit is mostly final size drilled, but some things like these spar caps have no holes when they arrive. So I busted out the old air drill and went to town, I noticed it makes my compressor run non stop, so I am debating trying out my cordless drill for the next part and compare. I know many have debated the ease of use vs the heavier tool, but I want to try it myself. The other thing I noticed is my band saw it a little on the "touchy" side. Any little movement and I honestly think it has some wiggle into the band itself. I was trying to be as straight and precise, but it was not the prettiest thing I have done. Cutting a 16" straight line on such a narrow piece is not very easy to do. It has plenty of edge distance and I got lots of deburring practice and cleaned it up a bit.
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Spar Caps Cut and Cleco'd |
After that I dove into and started drilling the Spar Caps to the Spar web. This wasn't terrible but it is lots of drill, cleco, uncleco, deburr, cleco and repeat. I can see why many of the older builders mentioned the final size holes being a godsend for us newer builds. I can see how this extra step on a lot of parts to upsize everything can be a pain. I found the time outside so far relaxing and enjoyable. I hope to get the flange side done this week before leaving for Osh Kosh, my hope is to get the ribs together and maybe have a skin cleco'd before I leave.
Airventure 2022 is Finally Here!
So Airventure is finally here. I have been waiting for a full year since my best friend and I decided we were going to go. It's been bittersweet to plan and think about everything. Getting to meet some of the builders I follow online, seeing some of their completed projects, and also seeing lots of products on the market in person is going to be amazing. One of the big reasons I got into the Van's project was everyone always spoke of the Van's Community as being the best of them out there. The builders I have interacted with and followed all talk about that and it seems many of them build a lot of those bonds at Airventure. I hope to meet many builders at the RV Social or Van's banquet. I also am hoping to get some time to walk through the Homebuild camping/parking and see some finished RV-10's. I'd love to meet some of the builders as well and pick their brain about things they opted to do or not do on their project. One of the hardest things is making these decisions, but luckily I have some time for the big ticket items.
My buddy and I will be flying out on Monday and staying in Appleton for the 4 days we are staying. Unfortunately we both have younger kids, and I don't think either of us could afford a divorce over this trip. We are both blessed to have such amazing and understanding wives to let us embark on this adventure. It might not be the big adventure of flying there ourselves, but that will come in time. We are both in our 30's and we hopefully will have many more years to try and attend in a plane ourselves.
As I mentioned, I hope to see some items like lighting and rudder trim. I know some builders use the aerosport product, some have a servo based system, and others just put a wedge on. But I think taking a look at the various builds and picking the brains would be beneficial. I am hoping to get to a few seminars and also take a trip out to checkout Fisk and maybe the tower, I am a controller after all and seeing that operation would be awesome. So until I get back to Airventure, thanks for reading and Rock you wings. Welcome to Airventure 2022!
Got reposted by EAA for my Airventure post! |
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